16 responses

  1. Where can we download the game client for the public free play this weekend? Thanks. ^_^

    • Melaedha

      We’ll have a download link and more information on how to play very soon.

  2. 8 PM ? Ill be drunk by that time.
    Also let ppl download the game… or you may face some problems when everyone will start downloading at 8 pm..

  3. The link is broken?

    • Melaedha

      Thanks for the heads up. I just updated the link, try again please?

      • Nice! Now it’s working! Thanks!

  4. JP

    No Mac client? 🙁

    • Melaedha

      Right now we have only the PC client. We’re still exploring the option for Mac/Linux and definitely would like to support platforms other than Windows.

  5. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! It’s PreAlpha – ok – but the engine an Gameplay is great!!!!!

  6. Uh oh, downloading now! I’m coming for you! 🙂

  7. Love it thank you for including my channel! 😀

  8. Is this free to check game? I don’t need to buy anything or be active in Kickstar action? Can I just download game, try it and enjoy?

    • Melaedha

      Yes, you can download and play for free this weekend without being a backer.

  9. Thanks a lot, i’m very interested in this project, expecially as an old UO player. Keep the hard work guys.

  10. This game is showing a lot of promise. The first MMO I’ve been excited about since UO and Shadowbane. Thank you!

  11. Omg, I just learned about this game via some random MMORPG list, and I barely missed the pre-alpha weekend. I hope this happens again very soon. Why not every weekend?! I’m dying to play a game like this, UO having been my first MMO. I’m highly considering backing this by like $1000 on Kickstarter.

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